What are props drilling in react?

Mohiuddin Mazumder
2 min readSep 7, 2023


Prop drilling occurs when a parent component passes data down to its children and then those children pass the same data down to their own children

Props drilling pass props data all level down

In React, “props drilling” is a term used to describe a situation where you need to pass data from a component to a deeply nested child component through multiple levels of intermediate components. This can result in passing props through components that don’t actually use those props but are necessary for passing the data down to the desired child component.

Props drilling can make your code less maintainable and harder to understand because it can lead to unnecessary prop passing through many components. It can also be inefficient because components that don’t use the props are still receiving and passing them along.

To avoid props drilling and make your React code more maintainable, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Context API: React provides a Context API that allows you to create a context and share data across components without explicitly passing props. This is especially useful when you have data that is needed by many components deep in the component tree.
Passing data via context directly
  • State Management Libraries: You can use state management libraries like Redux or Mobx to manage your application’s state centrally and access it in any component without the need for props drilling.
  • Higher-Order Components (HOC): You can create higher-order components that wrap your components and provide the necessary props to them. This way, you can abstract away the prop passing and keep your components cleaner.

These approaches help you avoid the drawbacks of props drilling and make your React code more organized and maintainable by reducing unnecessary props passing through intermediate components.



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